Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again

broken image

Use the CNTRL + EJECT keys to bring up the dialog box, then press ENTER even if you can't see the dialog box since 'Shut Down' is automatically selected. Then press the power button again once the computer has finished shutting down to restart it. CNTRL + CMND + EJECT will automatically trigger a restart. Oct 10, 2017 If you need to force shut down a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, all you need is again to press a Power button on your Mac's keyboard. Press and hold Power button for 2 seconds. Choose Restart, Sleep or Shut Down in the menu that appears.

I have the new MBP 16'. After some time the performance suddenly became very bad (all freezing, slow etc.). So about 2 months ago I made a clean installation (quite a demanding act) and all started working ok again. Now, in the last few days it seems to be back. Opening any app takes very long. Listen to Your MacBook Pro's Start-Up Tones. The sound when your MacBook Pro starts tells a lot. MacBook Pro Mid 2010 Shuts down and restarts randomly while plugged in Need some assistance with my Macbook Pro 15' Mid 2010. The computer has a nasty habit that has developed out of the blue where it shuts down and restarts whether it is running off of power supply or battery supply.

/Mac Tips /[Solved] Macbook Pro Screen Goes Black and Unresponsive

The black and frozen screen that hits Macs not only diminishes productivity but also annoys users immersed in their work. Commonly known as the ‘black screen of death', this sudden event results in destruction and hemorrhage of data. If your Macbook Pro screen has gone black and Unresponsive, this article sheds more light into the possible causes and relative solutions.

During use or booting your Mac screen may turn black and even trying to force quit does not solve the issue. Frequently, this stems from software operations rather than hardware components. Read on to discover the causes and effective ways to fix it.

Article GuidePart 1. Potential Causes of Macbook Pro Screen Goes BlackPart 2. How to Fix Macbook Pro Screen Goes Black and UnresponsivePart 3. Other Solutions to Remove Macbook Pro Black ScreenPart 4. In Conclusion

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Part 1. Potential Causes of Macbook Pro Screen Goes Black

Battery Drain

Your Mac may be a workhorse but develops malfunctions with abuses like prolonged use. A defective battery or a faulty charging cord can unleash the dark screen nightmare. Check all hardware components related to the charging system.

Software/App Error

Third-party applications lurking with bugs can cause the black and frozen screen. Software errors can disappear if you force quit Mac. Again, iMyMac PowerMyMac equips you with a killer bullet against suspicious apps and files. We recommend it as an all-round tool to optimize and declutter your Mac. It also frees up your hard disk space.

iMyMac PowerMyMac combines a performance monitor, memory retriever, application uninstaller and advanced cleaner. Manual search to identify any bugs is time-consuming and unpredictable. Most users who have experienced a black screen scenario attribute the issue to viruses and bugs. It's a strange cause, but sometimes junk files open a new can of worms, so it doesn't hurt to try this piece of software.

Broken Disk Permissions/Login Items

Permissions on control users or system processes link to the files. Incorrect disk permissions could make your Mac unresponsive with a black screen. Fortunately, you can run iMyMac PowerMyMac to diagnose and fix broken disk permissions. It repairs broken file or folder permissions throughout the registry to keep the functioning of your apps at full pelt. With this tool, your Macbook will get a smooth performance.

Waking from Sleep

Black screen problems also occur when rebooting your Mac from sleep. It may be caused by factory defects leading to a stubborn screen. Sometimes, the computer may respond with noises, active fans or indicator lights while the screen remains blank.

MacOS Operating System

The new operating system might trigger compatibility issues leading to a black screen. Similarly, macOS contains bugs that could produce the black screen of death. iMyMac PowerMyMac frees up system storage space to optimize performance. Reinstall the macOS and all apps to the latest versions to solve software issues.

Part 2. How to Fix Macbook Pro Screen Goes Black and Unresponsive

Method 1. PRAM Reset Your Mac

The first and most decisive way you can pull off this trick involves a PRAM reset. PRAM means ‘Parameter Random Access Memory'-a division of memory that archives system settings. Resetting the PRAM memory can help kill the black screen.

Step 1: Reboot and once you hear the sound; latch on Command + Option + P + R buttons.

Step 2: The next time the boot sound chimes, the PRAM is reset.

Step 3: Give the Mac time to boot up and check if the dark screen has disappeared.

Method 2. Reset the System Management Controller (SMC)

Trying to reset the SMC may do the job as it lies at the heart of your Mac system. SMC refers to an integrated circuit in charge of power management. Resetting SMC can fix the black screen. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Switch off your mac and plug in the charger.

Step 2: Press down the Shift + Control + Option + Power keys at once for 5 seconds.


Step 3: Free all the button keys.

Step 4: Your Mac should now restart without the dark screen.

Method 3. Sleep with a Keypress Sequence

Next, boot up your Mac after sleep. This hack can work if the other methods above fail.

To do this:
Step 1: Hit the power off switch to throw up the dialogue box even though it remains cloaked in darkness.

Step 2: Press the S button, the shortcut for sleep.

Step 3: Latch on the power button for ten seconds to get out of the way.

Step 4: After 15 seconds, hold down the power button to reboot it.

Part 3. Other Solutions to Remove Macbook Pro Black Screen

Solution #1 Restarting

If you can't access the system metrics, restarting the machine may address the issue. Click CNTRL + EJECT keys to display the dialog box, then hit ENTER even where the dialog box is shrouded. Afterward, press the power button once the computer shuts down to restart it.

CNTRL+ CMND + EJECT automatically launches a restart. Latch on the power button for 5 seconds to screech it to a halt. Give it 15 seconds and hold it again to reboot. Your Mac should launch to its normal state without the black screen.

Apple Macbook Pro Keeps Restarting

Solution #2 Reinstall MacOS


Reinstalling Mac OS resolves the issue instantly. The reinstallation will do the trick if it's inextricably linked to a third-party app. Back up your data before downloading the latest version of macOS from the Mac App Store.

Solution #3 Hardware Problems

Where the issue requires a replacement of a hardware component like charging or battery, you have to fix this to remove the darkened screen. Check the current model and the serial number of equipment to order a compatible version. Incompatibilities can exacerbate system failures and increase the costs of repair.

Part 4. In Conclusion

Black screens throw a spanner in the works leaving you frustrated and confounded. The first and conclusive solution is to reboot your machine. If you can restart your machine without a clear display, this will counter the problem right off the bat. Some of the remedies might be a hard nut, but with clear steps, this article will guide you through the process.

These methods at times erase data, remember to back up or use a data recovery tool.

If none of the methods worked, comment below so our team can follow up and help you further. If you solved the issue, share the article with your family or social network to save their time with subtle shortcuts.

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Rating: 4.7 / 5 (based on 71 ratings)

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Ika2021-04-22 21:18:30

Przeczytałam artykuł i niestety nie mogę sobie poradzić z problemem : na MacBooku air mam czarny ekran i kolorowe kręcące kółeczko Nie mogę go odłączyc ani włączyć Co jeszcze mogę zrobić ?

silvia2021-04-07 14:02:04


Il mio schermo diventa nero solo se tengo il display del Mac a circa 90° dalla tastiera. Non va in stop ma lo schermo diventa scuro (come quando si ha la luminosità al penultimo punto prima del minimo). Riesco a malapena vedere qualcosa e non capisco cosa c'è che che non va e come risolvere.

RICCARDO2021-03-16 16:40:31

Ciao, ho un Macbook pro retina mid 2015 dal 2017 (nuovo)(ovviamente è già fuori garanzia) , da ieri 15/03/2021 il macbook ha deciso di dare schermata nera. Collegandola tramite un cavo HDMI riesco a visualizzare il macbook tranquillamente, ma senza schermo esterno non saprei come fare dato che lo schermo nero rimane perennemente senza permettermi di vedere nulla. Fortunatamente funziona tutto, ma capite che la situazione è ingestibile, soprattutto per chi lavora come me. Dopo aver fatto diverse prove anche parlando con il centro assistenza Apple non siamo riusciti a trovare una soluzione. l'assistanza pensa che possa essere un problema hardware , e quindi chiedo a voi , quale potrebbe essere secondo voi il problema hardware di cui parlano? e in caso quanto mi verrebbe a costare il tutto?dato che il macbook funziona abbastanza bene potrebbe essere stato l'aggiornamento a BIGSURE che ho fatto verso dicembre? vi ringrazio in anticipo per la risposta , spero di risolvere dato che ho acquistato il macbook per lavoro e non per perdere tempo come gli altri pc. Grazie in anticipo spero di essere stato abbastanza chiaro nella spiegazione.

Adrian2021-02-26 16:10:58

Mi mac colapso y busque soluciones, la primera fue re instalar el sistema operativo desde internet, utilice alt+command+R, esto me llevó al instalador por internet, pero en los últimos minutos de instalación se quedó trabada nuevamente, la dejé esperando que fuera parte del proceso pero indicando que le faltaban 20 minutos continuaba en la misma descripción pero ya habían transcurrido 2 horas, tome la decisión, errónea de re-iniciar y oh sorpresa, pantalla negra, y lo único que hace es prender el foco de encendido y se escucha el disco encendido, aplique todas las formas que aquí indican y nada, alguna otra solución o de plano le pongo gasolina y la prendo? : )

miguel2021-02-05 04:25:06

Hola!! muy buena y completa toda la información!! gran trabajo de tu parte!!Tengo un problema que no aparece exactamente aca. Tengo una macbook pro 2015 13´ el problema es que me venía funcionando correctamente y la apague, al rato al prenderla me quedo la pantalla oscura no del todo negra sino que en los bordes tenía algo de luz, toque varios botones y no sucedía nada, hasta que deje apretado el boton de apagado y luego pude volverla a prender y funciona correctamente, pero cuando dejo de usarla por un rato y quiero volver a activarla luego del reposo vuelve a quedar oscura nuevamente, me sucedió dos veces hasta el momento. no se que hacer. Muchas gracias desde ya!

Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again

iMyMac2021-02-05 19:45:45

Hola, ¿Ha configurado un temporizador para apagar la pantalla?

piotr2021-01-16 18:19:54

macbook pro 15 2012r witam mam problem z moim mac od jakiegos czasu ekran mruga ,tzn.obraz zanika ale podświetlenie ekranu działa ,miałem też sytuacje ze po podniesieniu klapy ekran wogóle sie nie uruchamiał bło tylko widac podswietlanie ekranu ,komputer jest zadbany raz w roku jest czyszczony w środku nie przegrzewa sie korzystam z niego tylko na baterii nigdy na ładowarce bateria jest w dobrej kondycji prosze o pomoc porade bardzo kocham mojego maca pomocy ;-}

Mary2020-11-10 06:55:44

I have a 3 yr old macbook pro, very well cared for. It was working fine until today when I keep getting a black screen. I've tried all your suggestions but am having no luck. The computer does get warm after a few minutes charging and it makes a dying noise when I plug in the power cord, but that's all I get. Please help!

iMyMac2020-11-10 08:38:05

Hi, In this case, we recommend that you call Apple to replace the charger.

Kobe Degeest2020-10-21 23:58:02

Hallo!Na een weekje mijn MacBook niet te hebben gebruikt, krijg ik hem niet meer aan de praat. Alvast dat dacht ik toch. Als ik met een zaklamp schijn en zeer goed kijk, zie ik dat mijn MacBook werkt. Ik heb zelfs mijn paswoord ingegeven en kon ontgrendelen. Echter werd mijn scherm niet helderder (ook niet wanneer ik mijn helderheid wou aanpassen). Voor de rest werkt mijn capslock lampje en de helderheid van de toetsen ook. Enig idee aan wat dit kan liggen? Alvast een dikke merci!

Javier2020-09-13 17:12:09

Hola, tengo un macbook a1278 de 13,3'. Me empezo fallando de vez en cuando la pantalla, un dia dejo de funcionar y se quedo en negro, conectado a una pantalla externa funciona perfectamente, le cambie el cable de la pantalla a la placa y seguia igual, le he cambiado el lcd y sigue igual. No se donde puede estar el fallo. El logo trasero tampoco se enciende. Muchas gracias.

Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again

iMyMac2020-09-14 16:00:25

¿Solucionaste el problema según este artículo? Hay muchas posibilidades para que la pantalla se vuelva negra. Si ha probado todos los métodos de este artículo y aún no funciona, le sugiero que se comunique directamente con el centro de posventa de Apple, que puede resolver su problema más rápido.

Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again

Step 3: Free all the button keys.

Step 4: Your Mac should now restart without the dark screen.

Method 3. Sleep with a Keypress Sequence

Next, boot up your Mac after sleep. This hack can work if the other methods above fail.

To do this:
Step 1: Hit the power off switch to throw up the dialogue box even though it remains cloaked in darkness.

Step 2: Press the S button, the shortcut for sleep.

Step 3: Latch on the power button for ten seconds to get out of the way.

Step 4: After 15 seconds, hold down the power button to reboot it.

Part 3. Other Solutions to Remove Macbook Pro Black Screen

Solution #1 Restarting

If you can't access the system metrics, restarting the machine may address the issue. Click CNTRL + EJECT keys to display the dialog box, then hit ENTER even where the dialog box is shrouded. Afterward, press the power button once the computer shuts down to restart it.

CNTRL+ CMND + EJECT automatically launches a restart. Latch on the power button for 5 seconds to screech it to a halt. Give it 15 seconds and hold it again to reboot. Your Mac should launch to its normal state without the black screen.

Apple Macbook Pro Keeps Restarting

Solution #2 Reinstall MacOS

Reinstalling Mac OS resolves the issue instantly. The reinstallation will do the trick if it's inextricably linked to a third-party app. Back up your data before downloading the latest version of macOS from the Mac App Store.

Solution #3 Hardware Problems

Where the issue requires a replacement of a hardware component like charging or battery, you have to fix this to remove the darkened screen. Check the current model and the serial number of equipment to order a compatible version. Incompatibilities can exacerbate system failures and increase the costs of repair.

Part 4. In Conclusion

Black screens throw a spanner in the works leaving you frustrated and confounded. The first and conclusive solution is to reboot your machine. If you can restart your machine without a clear display, this will counter the problem right off the bat. Some of the remedies might be a hard nut, but with clear steps, this article will guide you through the process.

These methods at times erase data, remember to back up or use a data recovery tool.

If none of the methods worked, comment below so our team can follow up and help you further. If you solved the issue, share the article with your family or social network to save their time with subtle shortcuts.

ExcellentThanks for your rating.

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (based on 71 ratings)

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Ika2021-04-22 21:18:30

Przeczytałam artykuł i niestety nie mogę sobie poradzić z problemem : na MacBooku air mam czarny ekran i kolorowe kręcące kółeczko Nie mogę go odłączyc ani włączyć Co jeszcze mogę zrobić ?

silvia2021-04-07 14:02:04

Il mio schermo diventa nero solo se tengo il display del Mac a circa 90° dalla tastiera. Non va in stop ma lo schermo diventa scuro (come quando si ha la luminosità al penultimo punto prima del minimo). Riesco a malapena vedere qualcosa e non capisco cosa c'è che che non va e come risolvere.

RICCARDO2021-03-16 16:40:31

Ciao, ho un Macbook pro retina mid 2015 dal 2017 (nuovo)(ovviamente è già fuori garanzia) , da ieri 15/03/2021 il macbook ha deciso di dare schermata nera. Collegandola tramite un cavo HDMI riesco a visualizzare il macbook tranquillamente, ma senza schermo esterno non saprei come fare dato che lo schermo nero rimane perennemente senza permettermi di vedere nulla. Fortunatamente funziona tutto, ma capite che la situazione è ingestibile, soprattutto per chi lavora come me. Dopo aver fatto diverse prove anche parlando con il centro assistenza Apple non siamo riusciti a trovare una soluzione. l'assistanza pensa che possa essere un problema hardware , e quindi chiedo a voi , quale potrebbe essere secondo voi il problema hardware di cui parlano? e in caso quanto mi verrebbe a costare il tutto?dato che il macbook funziona abbastanza bene potrebbe essere stato l'aggiornamento a BIGSURE che ho fatto verso dicembre? vi ringrazio in anticipo per la risposta , spero di risolvere dato che ho acquistato il macbook per lavoro e non per perdere tempo come gli altri pc. Grazie in anticipo spero di essere stato abbastanza chiaro nella spiegazione.

Adrian2021-02-26 16:10:58

Mi mac colapso y busque soluciones, la primera fue re instalar el sistema operativo desde internet, utilice alt+command+R, esto me llevó al instalador por internet, pero en los últimos minutos de instalación se quedó trabada nuevamente, la dejé esperando que fuera parte del proceso pero indicando que le faltaban 20 minutos continuaba en la misma descripción pero ya habían transcurrido 2 horas, tome la decisión, errónea de re-iniciar y oh sorpresa, pantalla negra, y lo único que hace es prender el foco de encendido y se escucha el disco encendido, aplique todas las formas que aquí indican y nada, alguna otra solución o de plano le pongo gasolina y la prendo? : )

miguel2021-02-05 04:25:06

Hola!! muy buena y completa toda la información!! gran trabajo de tu parte!!Tengo un problema que no aparece exactamente aca. Tengo una macbook pro 2015 13´ el problema es que me venía funcionando correctamente y la apague, al rato al prenderla me quedo la pantalla oscura no del todo negra sino que en los bordes tenía algo de luz, toque varios botones y no sucedía nada, hasta que deje apretado el boton de apagado y luego pude volverla a prender y funciona correctamente, pero cuando dejo de usarla por un rato y quiero volver a activarla luego del reposo vuelve a quedar oscura nuevamente, me sucedió dos veces hasta el momento. no se que hacer. Muchas gracias desde ya!

iMyMac2021-02-05 19:45:45

Hola, ¿Ha configurado un temporizador para apagar la pantalla?

piotr2021-01-16 18:19:54

macbook pro 15 2012r witam mam problem z moim mac od jakiegos czasu ekran mruga ,tzn.obraz zanika ale podświetlenie ekranu działa ,miałem też sytuacje ze po podniesieniu klapy ekran wogóle sie nie uruchamiał bło tylko widac podswietlanie ekranu ,komputer jest zadbany raz w roku jest czyszczony w środku nie przegrzewa sie korzystam z niego tylko na baterii nigdy na ładowarce bateria jest w dobrej kondycji prosze o pomoc porade bardzo kocham mojego maca pomocy ;-}

Mary2020-11-10 06:55:44

I have a 3 yr old macbook pro, very well cared for. It was working fine until today when I keep getting a black screen. I've tried all your suggestions but am having no luck. The computer does get warm after a few minutes charging and it makes a dying noise when I plug in the power cord, but that's all I get. Please help!

iMyMac2020-11-10 08:38:05

Hi, In this case, we recommend that you call Apple to replace the charger.

Kobe Degeest2020-10-21 23:58:02

Hallo!Na een weekje mijn MacBook niet te hebben gebruikt, krijg ik hem niet meer aan de praat. Alvast dat dacht ik toch. Als ik met een zaklamp schijn en zeer goed kijk, zie ik dat mijn MacBook werkt. Ik heb zelfs mijn paswoord ingegeven en kon ontgrendelen. Echter werd mijn scherm niet helderder (ook niet wanneer ik mijn helderheid wou aanpassen). Voor de rest werkt mijn capslock lampje en de helderheid van de toetsen ook. Enig idee aan wat dit kan liggen? Alvast een dikke merci!

Javier2020-09-13 17:12:09

Hola, tengo un macbook a1278 de 13,3'. Me empezo fallando de vez en cuando la pantalla, un dia dejo de funcionar y se quedo en negro, conectado a una pantalla externa funciona perfectamente, le cambie el cable de la pantalla a la placa y seguia igual, le he cambiado el lcd y sigue igual. No se donde puede estar el fallo. El logo trasero tampoco se enciende. Muchas gracias.

Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again

iMyMac2020-09-14 16:00:25

¿Solucionaste el problema según este artículo? Hay muchas posibilidades para que la pantalla se vuelva negra. Si ha probado todos los métodos de este artículo y aún no funciona, le sugiero que se comunique directamente con el centro de posventa de Apple, que puede resolver su problema más rápido.

Lourdes tania2020-08-10 23:45:03

Hola es.primera vez que tengo un apple y se me es muy difícil utilizarla quisiera que me ayudes primero donde encuentro la aplicación de la camara web quiero que las cámara sea más clara esta muy oscura ayúdame por fabor

iMyMac2020-08-11 12:41:30

Inicie el Finder y haga clic en Aplicaciones, ubique Photo Booth y haga doble clic en él, que abrirá su cámara web automáticamente.

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Mac keeps restarting over and over? Mac keeps restarting on its own? MacBook Pro keeps restarting at boot? No worry. After reading this article, you can not only know why your Mac keeps restarting (Part 1), how to fix the 'Mac keeps restarting' issue (Part 2) but also how to avoid spontaneous restarts on your Mac (Part 3). If you have encountered the similar problem on your iPhone X, iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus in iOS 11, go to the article about how to fix iPhone X/8/8 Plus keeps restarting to learn how to solve the problem.

Looking for the free software to transfer photos from iPhone to computer or from computer to your iPhone? Read the article to get what you want.

Part 1: Why Mac keeps restarting

In most of the cases, the main contributor to the 'Mac/MacBook Pro keeps restarting' issue is 'kernel panic'. The 'kernel' refers to the operating system of your Mac. Why does kernel panic lead to abnormal restarts? That's because the operating system has detected an issue on your Mac and the restart must be performed to fix the issue, which is usually caused by the faulty software or a problematic hardware. How to decide whether kernel panic is occurring? Generally, a message will pop up on your Mac screen showing you 'Your Computer restarted because of a problem'. If you are in the very situation, don't hesitate to get possible solutions in Part 2.

Part 2: How to fix Mac/MacBook Pro Keeps Restarting

If your Mac or MacBook Pro keeps restarting over and over, you first need to know where the problem is. Is the software installed on your Mac the cause of the issue or the hardware on your Mac to connected to your Mac the cause of the issue? If the kernel panic is related to hardware, follow the first two tips to learn what to do. While if the problem is related to software installed on your Mac, follow the last two tips instead. (Other solutions to common Mac/iDevice problems are also covered, go to iOS & Mac Topics to find what you need if you want.)

For hardware related kernel panic:

The kernel panic could be caused by a peripheral device or a combination of peripheral devices that has been connected to your Mac or the internal RAM or third-party hardware. Thus hardware troubleshooting is inevitable to solve the 'Mac keeps restarting' issue.

Tip 1: Check the peripheral devices connected to your Mac

Step 1: Shut down your Mac and disconnect all the peripheral devices. (Keep the display, keyboard, and mouse that are from App connected only. )

Step 2: Start your Mac and use it as usual.

Step 3: Troubleshoot hardware.

  • If your Mac works properly after you use it for a period of time and no kernel panic occurs, you must know that there is something wrong with the peripheral device that previously connected to your Mac. To check which peripheral device is the 'culprit', connect one peripheral device to your Mac at a time and test. If a single peripheral device doesn't cause the 'Mac keeps restarting' issue, you can try to connect two or more peripheral devices to your Mac and test.
  • While if a kernel panic occurs later, it must be something wrong with the internal RAM or third-party hardware. If so, follow tip 2 to check the hardware.

Tip 2: Check the internal RAM and third-party hardware on your Mac

Step 1: Shut down your Mac.

Step 2: Remove the third-party RAM and internal hardware from your Mac. Reseat your Apple RAM if you get one. If not, reseat the RAM you have instead.

Step 3: Start your Mac and use it as usual.

Step 4: Do troubleshooting.

  • If the 'Mac keeps restarting' problem doesn't happen after you use your Mac for a period of time, you know that the third-party RAM or third-party internal hardware should to replaced to avoid the kernel panic.
  • If your Mac keeps restarting again, you need to go to the Apple Store nearby with your Mac to seek help from Apple.

For software related kernel panic:

Tip 3: Reinstall operating system on your Mac

Step 1: Use macOS Recovery to reinstall macOS.

  • Hold and press the key combination (Command + R) on your Mac keyboard immediately after you press the power button to turn on your Mac until you see the Apple logo or a spinning globe.
  • Choose Reinstall macOS in the window and click Continue.

Step 2: If you have reinstalled macOS successfully, go to App Store >Updates to install all the updates on your Mac.

Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again Full

Step 3: Before you reinstall the third-party software, download and install all the third-party software updates.

Step 4: Do troubleshooting.

  • If the kernel panic doesn't occur, you have solved the issue successfully.
  • While if your Mac keeps restarting again, follow tip 4 introduced below.

Tip 4: Fix 'Mac keeps restarting' issue related to software

Step 1: Use macOS Recovery to start your Mac. (Refer to step 1 in Tip 3.)

Step 2: Use Disk Utility to back up your disk image to an external drive with enough free space.

Step 3: Wipe the internal drive via Disk Utility.

Step 4: Install OS X and start your Mac from the internal drive.

Step 5: Go to App Store >Updates to install all updates on your Mac.

Step 6: Reinstall the third-party Apps on your Mac and copy the user data from the backup you have just created.

Macbook Restarting Again And Again

Part 3: How to prevent Mac from restarting

Macbook Pro Restarting Again And Again Using

Unexpected restarts of Mac could be quite annoying, Thus it's necessary to learn how to prevent the problem from happening. The most effective way to avoid kernel panic is to always update your software to the latest version. You just need to go to App Store >Updates to make it. Easy, right? Hope you won't meet the 'Mac keeps restarting' issue again. For other problems like Mac running slow, Mac stuck on the login screen, Mac won't turn on and more, you can also find the fixes in the related article.

broken image